
DEKA Dynamics introduces its new QAQC collaboration program

The program provides for an analysis of the current processes in place at mining operations, an “As-Is” assessment if you will, with the aim of assisting, where necessary, in improving these processes. Our initial focus is on:

  • Sampling and Assaying
  • Resource Estimation
  • Grade Control and Reconciliation

We all understand that a mines data is its most important asset and issues with the underlying data makes the estimation derived from this tainted data of no value. Which company wants to make major financial decisions on data where the QAQC has not been optimum?

In the case of an operating mining company there can be several QAQC related issues.  For example, poor sampling processes leading to poor assay results, thereafter interpretation and poor delineation between ore and waste, leading to less than optimum block modelling and resource modelling and estimation, followed by less than optimal reconciliation with ore recovered.  These are only some examples.  We are sure there will be more.

At the end of our visit, we will provide a provisional technical report (As-Is) detailing our observations.  Mine personnel then discuss this provisional report to test its validity, challenging the observations made, before agreeing to its content.

Thereafter, we will provide a follow up document, a Technical or “To-Be” Report, with suggestions regarding the desired outcome/s the operation may wish to achieve.  We can then work with the mining team to implement the suggestions we have made to get the maximum possible value out of this process.  This may include a physical presence on site by one of our team, additional training, or other intervention considered appropriate.

If you would like to learn more about our QAQC Collaboration Program, please contact us at dennis@dekadynamics.com