Coal Resource Modelling and Estimation


Course Brief

Providing theory and practical applications, delegates learn how to generate models and estimate the Resource.

This course is a follow-up to the “Working with Coal Quality Data” course and utilises the physical and quality databases previously developed to generate 2D and 3D physical coal deposit models.

The first part of the course teaches delegates how to utilise a quality coal database to generate 2D and 3D physical coal deposit models and to model trends in the quality attributes of the coal. These models are produced using modelling software. Many modelling algorithms are investigated and the various advantages and disadvantages of each are evaluated during the course.

The second part of the course utilises these models to calculate resource areas and volumes as a prelude to the estimation of resource tonnages and provision of their resource classification.

The course ultimately provides delegates with a basic guide to compiling the Competent Person’s reports (CPR’s), acceptable to JORC, NI 43-101 and SAMREC standards.

Course Content

  • Derivation of Seam Quality Composites from Raw Assay Data
  • Deposit Modelling Methods
  • Theoretical Geological Losses
  • Physical Resource Modelling
  • Coal Quality Modelling
  • Resource Calculations and Resource Estimation
  • Coal Resource Modelling and Estimation